Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to Avoid Getting Scammed

Nobody wants to know that the wool has been pulled over your eyes, so here are some tricks of the trade that you should watch out for when you’re buying a car.
Selling You Something You Can’t Afford - be careful when a deal seems too good to be true, dealership might tell you what you want to hear only to change the terms later on.
Inflating your Interest Rate - The quoted interest rates at the showroom might not be the actual rates available from lenders so remember to do your research!
Selling you a Dud - It’s hard to tell about the history of a car until something happens. Accidents and maintenance in the past may not have been done regularly and that can lead to you buying a pretty banged up vehicle!
Trying Their Luck - While this doesn’t apply to all salespeople, it’s true that they need to make a sale in order to earn money and may just tell you all sorts of things or push their luck with you trying to get you to feel guilty or buy at their quoted prices.
Doing your research greatly eliminates the chances of being scammed. You can check with The Smarter Finance Company for more tips and tricks and financing help!

How to Avoid Getting Scammed

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